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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  April 11, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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>> shepard: this is the fox report. tonight, the man who shot the unarmed florida teenager trayvon martin is now in police custody. and the shooter charged with murder. the next steps ahead. plus, fueled up and ready for liftoff. north korea could launch its rocket at any moment. a world on edge over north korea's planned launch of a new rocket. is it an innocent space mission or something more sinister? tonight, the communist regime's latest defiance and what the launch could teach us about that nuclear nation's true military might. [shouting] >> shepard: one of the most competitive universities in all the land now apologizing for telling hundreds of students they were accepted when they weren't. >> that would be torture really to be honest. >> shepard: tonight, the
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trouble brewing at ucla. but breaking news leads the program tonight and a dramatic day in central florida involving one of the most controversial police investigations in our nation. the neighborhood watch captain george zimmerman is now in custody and he faces a second degree murder charge. the maximum possible for the death of trayvon martin. this comes 45 days after zimmerman admitted he did, indeed, shoot and kill the unarmed teen in his central florida neighborhood. a special prosecutor announced the charges a short time ago. >> i will confirm that mr. zimmerman is is, indeed, in custody. >> could you tell us where? >> i will not tell you where. that's for his safety as well as everyone else's safety. >> shepard: mr. zimmerman turned himself in to prosecutors. if convicted on second degree murder charges, the maximum sentence is life in prison. second degree murder is typically charged when there is a fight that results in death, but there is no premeditation. the special prosecutor angela
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corrie said she spoke to the dead teen's parents before the announcement. of course, they have been demanding an arrest for many weeks now. it was way back in february that george zimmerman first called the cops to report he was following someone he called suspicious. here is part of that call. >> he is [bleep] running. >> which way is he running? >> down towards the other entrance of the neighborhood. [bleep] >> are you following him? >> yeah. >> okay. we don't need you to do that. >> okay. >> all right, sir. what is your name? >> george. he ran. >> shepard: he ran. and moments later travon martin was dead. and that led to the shooting or what led to the shooting is still very much in dispute. according to leaked police reports george zimmerman the shooter claimed the teen attacked him. he says trayvon martin punched him in the nose and slammed his head on to the sidewalk and that that's when he pulled
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the trigger. critics say that shows zimmerman without any obvious injuries in the hours after the shooting. this could be an important piece of evidence in trial. we'll see. but zimmerman's family says he has medical records to back up his claims. protesters across our nation accused zimmerman of racial profiling and accused political police of dragging their feet. the black panthers put a $10,000 bounty in this case. and the case even reached the highest levels with the justice department launching its own investigation. meantime, fox news has confirmed george zimmerman has a new defense attorney. yesterday, his former legal team quit the case, saying they could no longer get ahold of their client. they also said they were worried about him because he was, quote, emotionally crippled. we have team fox coverage tonight. trace gallagher on 911 recording. first to phil keating who is in sanford, florida tonight. trayvon's parents asked for charges to be filed. >> shep, for 44 long days the
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parents of i have trayvon mashte knot asking for mob justice not that he be convicted simply that he be arrested and let the wheels of justice begin to spin. and they were in washington, d.c. this evening watching on television as the special prosecutor in jacksonville, florida made that announcement. george zimmerman will be charged, is charged now with second-degree murder for the shooting death of the martin family son, 17-year-old trayvon martin. here is the mother's reaction. >> i want to say thank god. [ applause ] >> thank you. >> we simpled an arrest. we wanted nothing more, nothing less. we just wanted an arrest. and we got it. and i say thank you. thank you, lord. thank you, jesus. the heart has no color. it's not black. it's not white. it's red. and i want to say thank you.
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>> the parents of trayvon martin, their attorney also getting a lot of credit and thanks to reverend al sharpton and national action network which really led the charge demanding justice just simply demanding an arrest and reverend sharpton calling for civil peace and no violence. just let the justice system work. shep? >> shepard: phil, the prosecutor would not say where the shooter, george zimmerman is do we have any idea where he is and, further, what's next in the process? >> what's next for him is in the next 24 hours he he will have to appear here, the seminole county justice center and go before a magistrate. it will then read the charge of second degree murder, of course, if convicted he could face, as you mentioned, shep, 25 years up to life in prison. sources are telling our fox reporters in the orlando market who are in jacksonville that that is exactly where zimmerman is tonight, behind bars in jacksonville. the attorney that has been signed on as of this afternoon, marco mara in orlando was scheduled to have
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a 7:00 news conference or short statement about his now involvement in the case. we are not sure exactly what was being said here but the city of sanford, the city manager, the mayor, just wrapping up moments ago a news conference a short way from here downtown sanford. pleading for everybody to let the healing begin. move past this ugly chapter and now it's in the hands of the justice department here in seminole county. he is under arrest, george zimmerman, and, again, charged second degree murder in this case, clearly, most importantly for the special prosecutor, florida's very controversial stand your ground law is not supported by the evidence in this case. >> shepard: phil, obviously an emotionally charged case and set of circumstances for people there. sadly, it's become co-opted by people of political stripes on both sides. there were concerns there about what would happen if the charges were something less than this. is it your sense that this will turn the volume down and
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the justice can go forward? >> i think it absolutely is a sense by everybody here in this community. the minimum charge that we would expect this afternoon was involuntary manslaughter. and the maximum could have been second degree murder, which a lot of people thought was unlikely. but that is what the charge is from the special prosecutor. and so the degree of outrage that may have been anticipated by people thinking that this has been injustice all along certainly seems to have subsided. >> shepard: phil keating live in sanford, florida tonight. the family said from the beginning they want the justice process to move forward. still many complaints about the police officers. one of the investigators on the very beginning said on the night that this happened that, in fact, george zimmerman should be charged at the time that the accusation was manslaughter. of course, he was not charged and he went free. there were many questions about the way the police carried out the investigation. but now it seems the family has gotten exactly what the
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family wanted. a suspect locked up, and the possibility for justice by a jury of his piers. the truth is only two people, as far as we know, can know for certain what really happened that night. one is in jail, the other is gone. but we can piece together the minutes that lead up to the shooting, using the shooter's own 911 call. for that turn to trace gallagher who is live with the story. trace? >> shep, one of the big things the jury will have to decide is did george zimmerman continue to pursue trafn martin even after he was told not to. the call lasts four minutes and three seconds. two minutes into that call you can clearly hear zimmerman get out of his truck and begin to chase trayvon. listen now to zimmerman's voice, his breathing, and the wind in the cell phone. play it
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>> you heard him say he ran. the tape goes on for another one minute and 25 seconds. zimmerman telling police his phone number and where they could meet him. listen now as police ask him his address and, again listen to the tone of his voice and his breathing. play it. >> okay. do you live in the area? >> yeah, yeah. >> what's your apartment number? >> it's a home it's [bleep]. oh, crap, i don't want to give it outloud. i don't know where this kid is. >> do you want to meet with them near the mailboxes then? >> yeah, that's fine.
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>> he claimed trayvon jumped him and hit him first. remember there is r. a bunch of 911 callers saying someone was yelling for help and that someone, they believed, was trayvon martin. this tape will be a very big key to the jury and the outcome of this case. shep? >> shepard: trace gallagher live with that part of the story. thanks. so we have heard from the family of the now dead teenager. we have heard from prosecutors. we have not yet heard from the family of the shooter. we're told that he has a new attorney and we're waiting to hear from that attorney. fim keating is gathering that for us. we will go back live to central florida later in this hour. first, there is word a north korean rocket may be about to blast off at any minute. experts say it's similar to a rocket that could launch a nuclear weapon, potentially, at the united states. that's a matter for concern. the details are ahead. plus, could life actually begin before conception? think of it now. one state is close to making an enormous change in its
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abortion laws. from the journalists of fox news, this is "the fox report." and replace what's inside are covered. to learn more, visit us today. today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper.
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place. it's a very good process. best in the world. it works pretty well. we have to let it work. we have to understand and have faith in the justice system. nobody, after all, wanted trayvon martin to be prejudged walking down that street. i ask not to prejudge george zimmerman and please do not prejudge the criminal justice system. it's going to work. we just need to let it work. >> are you aware of how much your life is going to change? how much is your life going to change? >> i understand the undertaking. it's going to be challenging. i have handled other high profile cases. i will deal with it i hope to have a good support team with me. i hope that i will be given the time to do it and we won't have to have many of these. >> [inaudible] did you contact him through his web site. >> absolutely not. did i not contact him at all which would be ethical to contact a client for representation and, no, i haven't even seen the web site to be honest with. >> you what city did he turn
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himself? >> i really don't want to disclose that. >> was it in central florida? >> where was he before today? everybody has been wondering where he was. >> i don't know. >> mark, what are the conditions of bond you are hoping the judge grants? given the sensitivity in the community, are you [inaudible] out of seminole county. >> my hope is that the judge will grant a bond and that will be a bond that the family can make. they are not a family of means. that's going to be difficult to begin with that normally the conditions are that he stay local. i think that may be difficult. i think that nobody would deny the fact that if george zimmerman was walking down the street today he would be at risk. that's just reality. that's just the way things are right now so. we need to protect him. and i'm hoping that the judge will understand that i'm certain the prosecutor understands that. i'm hoping law enforcement will give us the assistance that we're going to need in this case. but i'm hoping that we're going to keep him safe. i want him to get to his trial so that a judge or a jury or
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the prosecutor and can i figure out a way to resolve this. >> mark, [inaudible] >> do you think he can get a fair trial here? >> we wouldn't today, i don't think. the emotions are just running high in all of central florida. but, we'll see. as we get closer to the point where we are resolving it, we don't even know if we're going to have a trial. >> what's going to happen tomorrow in the seminole county courtroom. >> my hope, if i can get back to my office and finish the work, that we're going to have a bonds motions hearing set by judge. an initial appearance will be held and at that point the judge can consider what to do with the then existing bond schedule of no bond, which is what seminole county has as a bond schedule for second degree murder. and that we can convince him or her that a bond is appropriate. >> what time is the hearing? >> it's not set yet. i think that the [inaudible] >> normal time? >> maybe :00. maybe 1:30. we don't know that yet. we will know that. >> mark, his former attorneys
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made him sound a little frantic. how did he sound to you? how is his voice. >> is he troubled by everything that has happened. and i cannot imagine living in george zimmerman's shoes for the past number of weeks. only because he has been at the focus of a lot of anger and maybe confusion and maybe some hatred. that's got to be difficult. i mean, truly, it must be frightening to not be able to go into a 7/11 or into a store and literally to be in effect a prisoner wherever he was. so that would trouble all of us. i'm shower that he is wearing some of the fall-outs from that. >> did he sound okay though? did he sound like he has lost it? >> he was rational to me. he understood what i was saying. i understood what he sass saying. we are communicating well. i have no idea other than that. >> some people describe it as going rogue and wasn't returning calls and putting up a web site did.
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you have that conversation like you have to -- if i'm going to represent you, you have got to do this my way? >> i think mr. zimmerman and i have a good understanding of what i can offer to him and how he is best allow me to be a good lawyer for him. i think that there may have been some misunderstandings or confusions or maybe even some inaccuracies with the way the last couple of days went from sunday to tuesday. that doesn't sit well with me. >> what advice did you give him today? >> stay calm. listen to my advice. >> which was what? >> which was to stay calm and as i give you advice in the future, i sort of am the professional in doing this. and i'm only going to give good advice after i think it through. and we'll be working together. he is obviously a significant part of the defense team. and there is a lot that, you know, he can do to keep things on track as well. he seems very willing to listen and to, you know, do
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what we have to do to move forward. [inaudible] >> again, is he in law enforcement custody right now, so i don't have as much free access to him. they are going to grant me access as soon as we are within the same geographical area. and i'm presuming that's going to happen, hopefully tonight but i don't know that. >> mark, as it moves forward, what do you make sure he [inaudible] >> i don't know. first thing is reach out to the community and say, he has been charged, he has been arrested. is he a criminal defendant now. let the process work. do not let's not prejudge anyone any longer. let's let the process work. there is a lot of high emotions. maybe some of them have been by the fact that there has been an arrest. let's just let the process work. you know, the worst thing that can happen in this case is that it doesn't get tried properly where it is supposed to. because then no matter what
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the results were, media, the public or whatever, it's not going to be a proper result. give us a chance to do it the way it's supposed to be done. >> still be in confinement in seminole county? >> i would freedom, again, because of some of the high emotions of the case that they are going to have him in what they call protective custody. that they will keep him safe and separate until we get a better chance to figure it all out. >> are you worried about your safety? >> no. i don't believe so. i'm a criminal defense attorney. i have done it a long time. i'm doing a job. he is a client who has a lot of hatred focused on him right now. i'm hoping that the hatred settles down now that we're sort of moving forward. i truly hope none of it is focused on me. you know, quite honestly, without getting on a soap box, this is what i'm supposed to do. he has been charged with a crime. we have rules, we have laws, we have constitutions. the victim's family has absolute rights to be involved in the process.
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he has rights to his own safety. and to the case being tried properly in front of a judge, jury, prosecutor, negotiations, whatever. doesn't need to be tried with somebody hating him or throwing, you know, something somewhere. let's just try it where it is supposed to be tried. >> mark, do you feel like in some ways [inaudible] with those charges would be [inaudible] would that be normal? >> i would say if you looked at a percentage that bonds are normally granted in second degree murder cases. we do know that there are questions just from what the media has state sthad there are questions about how it happened. so, i think that also lends to the suggestion that maybe he should be out. i want him out because i need him out to help me in my defense. so very selfishly i want him around so i can have free access to him because he, again, is an integral part. i hope he will get a bond. it's out of my hands and up to
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a judge. >> you ask. >> absolutely. >> do you feel that zimmerman charged, let the system work, this is what people were singing about. >> oh, i think he he would be better off if they decided not to charge him. but understandably, again, she had all the evidence. i trust her to have been a good prosecutor. i'm not going to be presumous and suggest she is wrong. she is a good prosecutor. let's see what happens. [inaudible] >> basically within 15 days of the date this has happened, we will start having an information flow. i'm presuming that my conversation i hope to have with the prosecutor tomorrow, that we'll work out something to get discovery, you know, started right away. no sense delaying anything. we need to know what's going on. >> [inaudible] tomorrow. >> no. i have a call in to her. she has been very busy making these last-minute decisions and the conference tonight. so i imagine i'm on her list.
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>> did he turn himself in. >> that was part of a process that was put in place earlier on. he turned himself. in. i think they did a great job to make sure it was done in a very professional way. i want to congratulate fdle for the way they handled it they are concerned about his safety which is an element that they should be concerned about. we will deal with it the way we need to. >> yes, this is a few hours of it. >> [inaudible]. >> no, before that. >> did you think about it for a little while. >> oh, yes. i thought about it for quite a while, actually and made a few phone calls that you have to make those calls when you are going to do something like this. we talked about it. i think it's something that i can help out in. it's going to take a lot of time and a lot of focus. in my gut, in my heart, it's what i do.
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when a case like this comes up that i think i can do good within then that's what i'm supposed to do. >> [inaudible] >> saw you watching tv, you were watching the coverage. watched what everyone had to say. your thoughts. >> i appreciate the way the prosecutor handled her press conference. she said what was appropriate. she didn't talk about the evidence because we're not supposed to. she is a prosecutor. she believes she has enough evidence to charge a crime. that's what she did. that's what she is supposed to do. i appreciate the way she handled it. it was business-like. there was no fisting or angry or anger. she did what she does as a prosecutor. i look forward to working with her on the case. i don't know her yet but i look forward to working with her. >> shepard: for the shooter here. the new attorney for the shooter trayvon martin's shooter, george zimmerman, a measured and informative update from this new attorney
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really doesn't have a lot of new information. we got some interesting tidbits there. not unsurprisingly, george zimmerman, his client he says will plead not guilty to these charges. now that he is locked up, under florida statute, i believe they have 48 hours until there is a bond hearing. the lawyer says he will ask for a reasonable bond. all exactly normal. whether he will get that or not is up to the judge who is involved in that. we know now that he is not in central florida but his lawyer believes that george zimmerman, the shooter in the trayvon martin case will be brought back to as he put it this geographical area sometime tonight. he expects he will know more about the bond hearing tomorrow. then there is the matter of discovery in the case which is all of this that the prosecutor has, that information is shared with the defense so that they can begin compiling a defense. he he said probably within the next 15 days or so which is about the speed of things. in central florida having worked the courts there for a long time. measured sort of deliberate
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sort of response and a push for calm in this case. phil keating life in central florida now in san for. and it sounds like george zimmerman will be back there tonight if his lawyer is right. >> right. and either after the 9:00 a.m. tomorrow or perhaps 1:00 according to marco mara. that's when he suspects that first appearance could happen in a courtroom behind me at the seminole justice center. not really too unexpected he said because of the case, jury poll market over the past six weeks ago or so. he will seek a venue q as for the mention state of george zimmerman, remember, he went off the grid on sunday, according to his former attorneys. well, he says his mental state is somewhat troubled, but he does seem very lucid. and so he does have his wherewithal here. as for that two days going off the grid on his own couldn't be contacted by his former
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attorneys. you can certainly expect prosecutors at the initial bond hearing will site that to the judge that a high bond should undoubtedly be placed on george zimmerman because they will argue that in and of itself proves he is a flight risk. >> shepard: the fact that he turned himself in today would probably be an argument for the other side, phil. we will see how that goes. what we know now is that the bond hearing is coming up. we are learning more about this attorney who has just stepped into the mix here, trace gallagher with some information on counselor mark o'meara, trace? >> it's odd, shep because this time last night he was a local tv news analyst commenting about this very case. he was worked for local television stations for quite some time. in fact, he he was doing analysis on the casey anthony case for some months. yesterday, -- mark o'mara was
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saying last night is this detrimental to mr. zimmerman's case he said yes because they kind of outlined a defense. he he even, you know, he even jumped forward saying if george zimmerman were to come to me tomorrow and ask me to defend him, i would use that as kind of a benchmark. the lawyers going into and talking about that case is something that would be negative. so he has practiced criminal law on both sides of the spectrum. he has been a prosecutor. hashe has been a well known defense attorney for quite some time. family law being his specialty. but now he is the man who is behind george zimmerman's defense. the man ahead of the -- the head of the o'mara law group in orlando, shep. >> shepard: trace gallagher who spent his days working in the orlando market as i did. one of the few things that we don't know yet, trace, is where this thing will be held. but history tells us they probably will ask for a change of venue and they might get it. this prosecutor from the jacksonville area which is, i don't know, a couple hundred
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miles away a possibility? >> i think it's an absolute possibility, in fact, shep. it will be the first thing they ask for because even earlier he kind of indicated that right now, today, that he does not believe the george zimmerman could get a fair trial in the orlando area. whether he gets a change of venue, we don't know. but it's the first thing they will ask for and it's very likely if you judge by the casey anthony case that they will get a change of venue in this case and it could be some six months to a year before it actually goes to trial. again, we expect in the next 24 to 48 hours that he will make his initial appearance before a seminole county judge. >> shepard: trace gallagher, phil keating. now to pressing news of the nation. north korea a rocket launch we are led to believe at any moment. what kind of intelligence county united states gather about the strength of the north korean military? with rick santorum out of the way. mitt romney is zeroing in on president obama. and he is trying to make up
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lose those lines! the way you look with juvéderm® xc, might just change the way you look at everything. ask your doctor and visit this is my grandson. and if it wasn't for a screening i got, i might have missed being here to meet him. the health care law lets those of us on medicare now get most preventive care for free like annual wellness visits, immunizations, and some cancer screenings. and that's when they caught something serious on mine. but we could treat it before it was too late. i'll be around to meet number two! get the screenings you need. learn more at you don't want to miss any of this! >> shepard: i'm shepard smith. it's the bottom of the hour, time for the top of the news. north korea's rocket is reportedly fueled and liftoff could happen, they tell us at any moment. that's the word from the communist regime which
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announced the launch window opened about 90 minutes ago. the north koreans claim they are simply trying to put a weather satellite into orbit to weather the nation's crop growth. of course, many experts around the world claim it's a thinly veiled disguise for testing a missile which could potentially reach the united states and other places. and could, perhaps, one day carry a nuclear war head. now, several asian nations including japan are preparing missile defenses in case the north korean rocket somehow goes off course. it's the top of the news at the bottom of the hour. jennifer griffin is on it from the pentagon. do we have any idea when they might do whenever they are about to do? >> well, the window goes until 1:00 a.m. eastern time. they have the next five days from 6:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. eastern to carry out this launch. weather is a factor. we understand it's quite cloudy there right now. experts that we have spoken to say if this three stage missile is perfectly successful, this time, compared to 2009, when it
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broke up in the third stage, then the north koreans would be about half way toward being able to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile with a pay load, a weapon that could reach potentially the united states, shep. >> shepard: what are the north korean neighbors doing, jennifer? >> well, the japanese have deployed several batteries of patriots missiles and launched at least three naval warships vowing to shoot down any spare missile parts or the missile itself if it flies over japan. that seems unlikely. south korea has threatened to shoot it down as well. secretary of state hillary clinton issued this warning. scbli would just underscore that if north korea wants a peaceful, better future for their people, it should not conduct another launch. that would be a direct threat to regional security. >> experts don't believe north korea's neighbors would be able to intercept the missile or debris with any success.
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what they are concerned about is the digging taking place at the nuclear test site shown in these satellite images and that a nuclear test, the country's third will follow this missile launch. shepard? >> shepard: jennifer griffin at the pentagon. jen, thanks. some experts are saying that north korea may be doing us a favor with this launch. coming up, we will see why they are calling it a rare opportunity for the united states. politics now and a whole new ballgame for the white house. mitt romney said the election battle started yesterday when rick santorum ended his campaign. now mitt romney can focus exclusively on president obama. and hours ago did he just that right here on fox news. >> this president represents a throw back to the old style democrats of the past, big government, welfare state democrats. this president has gone the wrong way. i think democrats increasingly recognize that. independents do. i think it is going to be a watershed election for
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america. >> shepard: mitt romney is also trying to close the gap with president obama when it comes to a key group of voters, women. and he is way behind. campaign carl cammeron live at a romney event in warwick, rhode island, this evening. for a second day in the road, governor campaigned at a business owned by a woman. >> he did. he is wrapping up a town hall here in warwick, rhode island where the first four questioners were, perhaps, all women selected by mitt romney. while mitt romney was engaged in the republic primary. democrats and president obama spent a tremendous amount of time essentially uncontested in the democratic race, pounding romney as antiwoman, saying that the republic party and its now gospel -- g.o.p. standard bearer romney ha v. put together host of he has begun the counter attack. accusing president obama of waging war on women. here is a little bit of what
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he said earlier today. >> this president has failed america's women. if i'm the next president of the united states, i goal to work to get american women good jobs, rising incomes, and growing businesses. >> that was earl -- earlier today. here in rhode island another attack accusing the president's policies economic proposals as essentially doing harm to women. the romney campaign as governor romney has said himself 92% of job losses during the last year in the obama administration have been to women. democrats are vehemently disputing that one fact checking organization actually questioned mr. rom anymore. romney campaign has sent a letter to that group saying you have got to check your facts. they are not backing down. 92% of job losses were lost by women. >> shepard: carl, then there is newt gingrich who is still in the campaign and has no chance to win. he just bounced a check trying to get on the ballot in utah but claims he is still in it
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yeah he has $4.5 million worth of debt. probably inevitable that sooner or later he would have bounced a check. debt any degree of credible with so much red ink swirling around him. it is said to be expenses for his wife's travel and security and staff. and another million dollars sources say may be completely undetectable. may not be able to find out where it comes from. search in the gingrich campaign because they have all these outstanding debts particularly information services can't find receipts for it real serious problems beyond this bounced check, shep. >> shepard: carl cammeron live in rhode island tonight. thanks. life could soon begin before conception. did you hear that? think about it life can now begin before conception. but only in arizona. the state senate there and the house have passed a bill that
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defines the start of a pregnancy as early as two weeks before they, you know. that would give arizona the strictest definition of late term abortion at 18 weeks instead of 2 o. life begins before. jan brewer has not said where she -- whether she will sign this bill. she has signed other antiabortion measures in the past. two weeks before con emtion. new trouble for the government agency that spent hundreds of thousands of tax dollars on lavish conference in vegas. they were just getting started. apparently the organization also spent more than a week in hawaii for a one hour ceremony. the details on that interest r. straight away. and the airline that plans to have a child-free zone. ha ha ha. and you may hate your job but it is probably not the worst
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job. so what would the worst job be? they rank such things. they have done exactly that. we'll share. straight away. i just want to confirm a few things with fiona. how would you describe the event? it's big. no,i mean in terms of savings how would you sum it up? big in your own words, with respect to selection, what would you say? big okay, let's talk rebates mike, they're big they're big get $100 rebate, plus the low price tire guarantee during the big tire event. so, in other words, we can agree that ford's tire event is a good size? big big gives you a 50% annual bonus. and who doesn't want 50% more cash? ugh, the baby. huh! and then the baby bear said, "i want 50% more cash in my bed!" phhht! 50% more cash is good ri... what's that. ♪ you can spell. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card.
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the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? ha ha. ♪
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>> shepard: fox urgent now it was a scary morning to wake up to the headlines a magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck off the coast of oregon moments ago. smaller quake hit off the coast of central california about a minute later. still unclear whether there is any damage or whether there are any injuries. the usgs also reports a strong 7.0 earthquake struck off mexico's pacific coast. reportedly shaking buildings and sending people running out of offices and into the streets of mexico's capital city. no reports of anybody hurt. it's the icing on the cake. that's what one congressman is say guilty about latest accusations against those government workers who spent more than $800,000 of your tax money partying in vegas. apparently the agency spent a
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lot more than that you'll remember these guys, right? ♪ i have a show like mele every time he sees me rolling on in my. spend my fund on 61. can't cut. buy everything. rappers can't afford. get a top hat award. >> shepard: top hat award. congressman say dozens of workers got bonuses for organizing the trip. he also says one official billed taxpayers for an extra night in vegas after the conference had ended. all of that at the agency in charge of cracking down on government waste. but just when you thought you have heard it all. we turn to mike emanuel for the rest of the story. they went to hawaii, right? how exciting. >> yeah, shep. it sounds like it was pretty common for the gsa to send employees to hawaii for lengthy stays and minimal work. check out this exchange between gsa employee and
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inspector general's. last trip where five gs 15 flew over with unnamed employee for leased property ribbon cutting for the fbi office. 5 to 7 days, five 15s, gsa employee? oh yes, yes, 5 to 7, i don't know what the other people's calendars look like and they were, i'm sure, working hard the whole time. gsa employee? i doubt it the investigations also revealed the gsa spent $330,000 moving one employee from denver to hawaii to deal real estate transactions. shep? >> shepard: mike emanuel live in d.c. mike, thanks. they have got a mess in west wood. officials at ucla told 900 high school seniors that the school had accepted them for admission when, in fact, it had not yet done so. now, those officials are apologizing. vociferously.
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the highly selected university emailed financial aid info to thousands of incoming freshman but also am casts on its waiting list. that email reads in part: once again, congratulations on your admission to ucla. we hope that this information will assist you in making your decision to join the bruin family in the fall. actually wait listed students won't learn until next month whether the school has actually admitted them. getting in will not be easy. nearly 62,000 students apply to ucla last year. the university accepted only about a quarter of them. the sounds of crying kids could become a thing of the past on one airline. malaysia airlines which primarily serves arab sharks sadly. has announced a kid-free zone on some of its planes. children under 12 would have to sit somewhere else like out on the wing or something. we're told the move aimed at making the flying experience a little smoother for folks in economy. the new rule would apply to
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parts of the airline's air bus a 380s. a new ranking of the best and worst jobs in all the land is out. and software engineer tops the best list. dental hygienist is there. mathematician also made the top 10. the worst job? i'm a lumber jack. i'm okay. lumber jack. who knew there were such things anymore. it was at the bottom of the list of 200. the ranking from the john site career is based on physical demands, work environment, income, stress, and hiring outlooks. well, there is a sex scandal at the university of arkansas and t is unraveling even further one day after the head coach of the razorbacks football team got canned. today we have new details about his girlfriend's previous engagement. that's next. as fox reports live tonight. ♪
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>> shepard: he says he has nobody to blame but himself. bobby petrino, the now former head coach of the university of arkansas admitting in a statement that his own selfish decisions led to his firing. the news broke during fox report last night that the school had canned bobby petrino as head football coach. 11 days ago he went to the hospital after a nasty motorcycle crash. and a few days later we learned his 25-year-old girlfriend was with him at the time of the crash. his wife and four children were presumably at home. here's the other problem. bobby petrino had hired that girlfriend. you see her in the center here, just days before the motorcycle crash. and then lied about it. the school's athletic director says it all left him with no other option. >> coach petrino knowingly mislead the athletic's
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department and the university about the circumstances related to his accident. he had multiple opportunities over a four-day period to be forth coming with me. >> shepard: now petrino's family is a mess and the razorbacks are suddenly without a head coach after four years of national contenders and now at a time of year when finding a coach is very difficult. rick leventhal is here. this hit the ozarks in faithville like a ton of bricks. >> absolutely. the athletic director is calling it an issue of broken trust. they say petrino's outfield conduct outweighed his success on the sidelines especially that he hired this 25-year-old mistress for a job on the team. admitted he gave her2 $5,000 in cash and tried to hide that she was on his motorcycle when he crashed it a week ago sunday. coach petrino's conduct was contrary to the character and responsibility we demand of our head football coach. in fact, that is a very language that is included in his contract that he signed at the university of arkansas.
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>> meanwhile, this mistress, we hear, was supposed to get married in june to another coach at the university. a strength coach who worked with swimmers and divers and other athletes. we don't know if they are still a couple. they are not talking. >> shepard: that's new today. i hadn't heard about that is he married. she sen gamgd. >> right. >> shepard: he hired her. they had a wreck on a motorcycle. he lied about it all. now arkansas had to fire him. >> recruits don't know if they want to attend the university. future of the program is in doubt. they were a very strong team. >> shepard: lsu and alabama were the only teams they lost to. >> they were in their sights. >> we don't know. >> they may have a fantastic coach lined up. >> shepard: alcohol can apparently make your brain work better. i'm perfect. what's the word from scientists at the university of illinois, the alcohol part found that men who downed the equivalent of 2 pints of beer did better on a series of brain teasers.
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drinkers got the right answers more quickly than the sober test takers. one theory is that alcohol blocks analytical thinking making room for more creative reasoning. this message brought to you by beer makers of america. not really. the rocket is set to lift off in north korea. it could give washington some new intelligence on that secretive nation. we will explain how as fox reports wraps up and makes way for mr. bill. well, i made you a reservation at the sushi place around the corner. well, in that case, i better get bk to these invoices... whh i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? i'm going to tidy up your side of the office. i can't hear you because i'm also making you a smoothie. [ male announcer ] marriott hotels & resorts knows it's better for xerox to automate their global invoice process so they can focus on serving their customers. with xerox, you're ready for real business. not in this economy.
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if you develop these, stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart orlood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. my inspiration for quitting were my sons. they were my little cheering squad. [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. appear to show new activity at the north korean launch site and we're learning more about this rocket and for that we turn to jonathan hunt, the chief fox report correspondent. tell us about it? >> shep, what we know about the rocket so far is that it is a three-stage missile. those stages in layman's terms
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mean, one, getting up into the air. two, boosting it towards orbit. three, getting it into orbit: and keeping t there it pass a pay load of something like 2200 pounds, meaning that's the weight it can carry, more than enough sunday to be equipped -- some day to be equipped with a nuclear war head. 4100 miles is its range which would put parts of alaska in range if it is successful. they have never managed to get this sort of long range missile up into orbit before. that's the difficult part and that is what we will find out sometime in the next five days, which is the entire window of opportunity to launch this thing. whether they can get it up there and keep it there, that's the key. we won't be the only ones watching. obviously the iranians very interested as well. because they are potential customers for this nuclear technology, shep. >> shepard: jonathan hunt, thank you. and on this day in 1976, apple computer released its first product the apple 1.
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it didn't come close to resembling any of the slick gadgets the company makes today. basically a circuit board, no monitor no, keyboard, nothing else included. for the price of $666.66. tech geeks could use it to make their own computers. steve jobs sold his vw van to finance the project. his co-founder steve wizard of oz sold -- woz knee woz knack expensive calculator. first bore fruit 46 years ago today. $600 billion it's worth now. >> not too shabby. >> off the sharts. now you know the news for this wednesday, april 11th, 2012. for the journalists of fox news, i'm shepard smith. opinion and analysis kick off next with the most powerful prime time in all of cable news. and for that we turn to mr. bill o'reilly.


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